Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Maverick and the MILF

I would like to spend some words on Sarah Palin, mother of five children, governor of the lonely and cold Alaska, and Republican Vice Presidential candidate for the 2008 Presidential Elections.

On August 29, 2008, Republican Presidential candidate Senator John McCain announced that he had chosen Sarah Palin from Alaska as his running mate. The reaction of many was: "Who's that?!?"
At that time I thought he actually made a smart choice. Not that she was minimally able to handle with any of the incoming problems of the US, that's clear, but she was the best choice in order to move away from the Republican electorate most of the concerns about McCain candidacy.
If one of the fear was that he's in fact old (both in age and mentality) she then appeared as his young and fizzy counterpart.
If there was the risk to look at the Republican as those old sexist and racist military guys against the fresh wind coming from the Democrats that nominated an Afro-American as President, they then decided to choose a woman as VP! Something that nether the Democrats managed to do!

Then of course she's not really a model of liberalism, but this kind of helps for the Republican electorate.
She's in fact belongs to the Pentecostal church and strongly believes in its precepts: teaching creationism in public schools, supporting an amendment to deny state health benefits to same-sex couples, fighting abortion in all cases (including rape and incest). She's then a member of Feminist for Life and supports sex education in public schools that encourages abstinence (as McCain) but also discusses birth control (what a liberal!).
On the "other" side, Sarah is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association (she advocated gun safety education for youngsters), promoted further oil and natural gas resource exploration in Alaska, and initiated a lawsuit over the federal listing of the polar bear and some weird specie of beluga whale as endangered species.

I thought that was sort of a good choice for McCain, but latterly it turns out that the risks given by her extreme incompetence on every political matters are for the Republicans larger than her appeal as a strong mother from the deep north.
Now McCain entourage decided to shut her up and doesn't let her have a public press conference. She's also the only candidate that was not allowed to comment over yesterday's debate between Obama and McCain.

Moreover, a couple of days ago she gave an interview at the CBS embarrassing the whole Republican base, so that some right-wing intellectuals are starting to call her out the race before it's too late.

Another very funny video is this from Bill Maher.

So at the end the choice done by McCain turns out to be way more risky than he thought.
Many people here are starting now to question: what if the old McCain will pass away after being elected? Is that silly woman really going to lead us?


Anonymous said...

ma sè una leggenda metropolitana o so fia se restada in cinta a 17 anni proprio in sto periodo? astinenza pago mi?


Anonymous said...

fora del matrimonio se intende...

no se più i repubblicani de una volta


Eleonora said...

Figa l'intervista.
1) Almeno in America hanno giornalisti seri che fanno domande e incalzano nei momenti di debolezza...
2) Ma come cacchio fanno a candidare come vice presidente una tizia che non sa nemmeno parlare? Balbetta, non le vengono le parole e dice una marea di cavolate! E nei commenti c'e` chi la difende... questo vuol dire che lo standard di intelligenza/cultura richiesto dagli americani per i propri politici e` quasi tanto basso quanto quello degli italiani...

Ermes said...

si, la figlia e` rimasta in cinta a 17 anni fuori dal matrimonio.
ma la mamma repubblicna si e` fatta velere e sotto elezioni ha costretto la figlia a non abortire e a sposare il tipo...

ottimo no?

Anonymous said...

beh adesso attendemo un resoconto del dibattito fra i vice (sembra un po' tipo la partida per el terzo e quarto posto)

comunque repubblica ciama la palin "la badante de mckain"

e internet (e anche el buon tg5) disi che obama ga scelto biden apposta perchè "obama-biden" richiama "osama bin laden"

...e in tema de gematria: la parola del word verification sè ricfkng: sè el codice fiscale de un genere de film porno?



Anonymous said...

ma cabibbo non iera un tavolo del vostro matrimonio?

comunque el tg5 ga dit che el gà inventà un schemin che i quark segui per combinarse e crear la materia, ma poi i giapponesi ghe lo ga rubà

voi per chi fè el tifo?



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