Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Scripta Manent

After a very long silent, mainly due to lazyness, here a new post about something I already treated several time here: the language in the web. Although I am interested to it, it is not such a useless subject, infact many groups are thinking and studying it. For example google. Google just released a new web application you can use in your gmail account that forbids you to send mail that you will regret after few seconds (tipically, in the very moment you press "send"). This application, available on the google labs, is called Mail Goggles, and obliges you to solve some small mathemathical problems, in a short time, before you can actually send the message. If you don't succeed solving these problems, than the mail is archived and is not sent. Many people don't think much before talking and, as the web provides a very fast way to communicate, almost as fast as speaking, people tend not to think before sending stuff in the web. But, unfortunately, sending stuff on the web is not at all the same as speaking. If you send a mail or post a video or a entry in your blog or whatever, it stays there. And even if you delete it later, it is probably going to be too late. This google service should help the impulsive employee not to lose his job sending a angry mail to his boss. Or it can save love stories and friendship. It is indeed very useful. The only thing that it does it to give you some extra time to think about what you are doing. It is surprising that in a service like the email you need that, because normally you should have all the time in the world. But facts reveals that people act before thinking, so what google offers ir a real precious service. 
Talking of this, just in conclusion, I just throw a stone about a similar subject.... wouldn't it be better to add a similar test, maybe on general culture, before allowing people to vote? Make a test and then weight the votes depending on the results?


Ermes said...

ok, so: I had a look at this Mail Goggles and apparently it's ment to being used during late night (possibly on Friday), when you are supposed to be drunk, and it asks you to compute some basic Math operations in order to check if you're awake enough to send emails.
If not it prevents you from sending embarassing messages to your ex girlfriend.

Well, the thing is at least interesting.
The only doubt I have is if that's a trustable way to check if you are drunk.

So, I will sacrifice myself in the name of computing science and I will test the method.
So I will try to get drunk and send emails around. Be prepared.

(E tutti: "pensavamo fossi gia` ubriaco")

Anonymous said...

ma se un opzion facoltativa de google mail o sè obbligatori?

da notar che go anche mi google mail epur non go voia de ndar a veder...

ciò nonostante anche mi proverò a briagarme venerdi sera

cosa non se fa per la scienza!


Ermes said...

ne uscira` uno scampio e-pistolare notturno solo tra me e te (probabilmente un dialogo tra un ragno e gesu`) come al solito.

E la storia si ripete...
(e anche la scienza)

Anonymous said...

INVECE te ga mai letto la terra desolata de eliot? (non il drago invisibile)


Ermes said...

no, solo alcune parti, forzatamente al liceo...
pero` mi ispira per cui non escludo un periodo Eliot in un prossimo futuro.


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