Thursday, September 25, 2008

Please flush when finished

It's Friday night.
I just finished to watch the first Presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama (yes, I'm again in New York). Topic: foreign policy and national security (or: when the Americans look really Americans).

It was my first time to watch Obama speaking in a debate and I have to admit I expected him to be worse: more an idealist daydreamer or a easy-minded yuppie.
Instead tonight he appeared as a pretty relaxed guy with some clear ideas in mind. I kind of liked him.

On the other side there was John "I'll tell ya" McCain.
He's a real old American marine-like man. He likes war, he lived for that and he still thinks that the best way the USA has to bring peace to the galaxy.
During the debate he used several times expressions like "when I was prisoner", "when I came out of that Vietnamese jail", "once the mother of an American soldier that died in Iraq asked me to keep going on this war", "when I was in Vietnam" and so on...
To me he looked kind of pathetic and a pretty old minded guy. Anyway I think being old (or having "old" ideas) is not really his weak point. In fact his choice of the young and unprejudiced, but at the same time beautiful mother and woman with deep religious values, Sarah Palin as his Vice President candidate prevents him to be considered just an old fashioned man.

The curious think was to see how Americans think about the rest of the world. For them it's just a big play yard where some of their friends (France, England, Georgia, Ukraine,...) are fighting with nasty guys (Iran, Pakistan, Russia) and somehow they (the Americans) have to get involve into the play to help their friend and to bring democracy to the underdeveloped Countries.

At the end of the debate, Obama ended with a passionate "all the kids in the world are watching at us as a model and we cannot disappoint them", while McCain started with "When I came from prison...".

Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.
(Walter Sobchak)


Anonymous said...

ma l'americano medio (pleonasmo?) cosa pensa dei due concorrenti?

ma obama sè el loro veltroni?

e poi volemo organizzar delle scommesse su chi vincerà?


Unknown said...

Quella Sarah Palin non è fastidiossima???

Eleonora said...

Ma come sarebbe a dire che MCKain Still thinks they have to free the world? Cioe`, mica sono inglesi.... sono americani! Sono stati inutili e pericolori fin dal primo momento della loro esistenza.... non a caso gli inglesi hanno spedito i puritani in America, visto che gli rompevano le balle in u.k....

Anonymous said...

nel frattempo el tg5 ne informa che a little italy sè preferido McKain, con tanto de intervista a un vecchietto tipico che disi che "li neggri no tengono istruzzione"


Anonymous said...

e comunque non sè che anche i inglesi sia poi ste gran brave persone...


Anonymous said...

e poi come mai non compaio sul feedjit live traffic feed?


Ermes said...


L'americano medio: e` un pleonasmo (anche se ho una teoria contraddittoria a riguardo).
Obama: si, e` tipo un veltroni americano (con tutto quel che ne comporta) ma soprattutto rappresenta un partito che ha un suo perche`.
Palin: si e` il Fastidio, pensavo di scrivere un post a riguardo (del Fastidio).
Free the chickens: si`, ovviamente hanno una visione un pelin americocentrica del mondo (ma credo come ce l'avevano gli inglesi prima di loro che anche secondo me non erano molto diversi dagli amerikans di oggi).
Feedjit: sei troppo evanescente per poter venir tracciato (tipo la risa la rasa).

Ermes said...

ottimo esempio di fine e ricercata saggezza popolare tra l'altro.


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