Friday, September 19, 2008

Serious social alarm

There are two things in the speech of our Minister for Equal Opportunity (about the new law against prostitution) that made me laugh.
Prostitution is disgusting, I don't understand who sell his body for money
she said. Then, asked by a reporter if this new law would be really worth, she replied that
what is important to this government is the street prostitution [and not to forbid prostitution in general, n.d.E.] because it causes social alarm.
So if I understand correctly the main point, the declared goal, is not to fight prostitution, but just to hide it so that the good citizens can keep walking around the Country without being emotionally shocked by seeing a prostitute.
Better: the point of this government is not solving the many problems of Italy, but hide them and make people think they don't exist anymore.
What the eye sees not, the heart rues not

The war against situations of serious social alarm ("grave allarme sociale") is one of the most stressed point by this government. Right after Berlusconi became prime minister, an urgent emergency decree “Declaration of the state of emergency in relation to settlements of the nomad communities in Campania, Lazio and Lombardia” was released on 21 May 2008. The decree declared a state of emergency in the three regions until 31 May 2009, against Roma people ("Rom" in Italian) whose presence is defined as resulting in situations of an “extreme critical nature” and of “serious social alarm”.
A couple of days after, commenting on an amendment of this decree, Berlusconi declared (via a letter to the Senate):
Dear President,
as you may know this morning senators Berselli and Vizzini presented an amendment to the so called "security decree" in order to establish priority criteria for treatment of the most urgent trials and of those that create special social alarm.
I want to underline that the trials I'm involved in are not urgent, nor they create any social alarm.
Of course.
So they (Berlusconi government) are telling us (stupid Italians) that they are going to make us happy and peaceful, removing all the sources of social alarm so that we don't have to worry anymore. They will not solve the problems, but they will work hard so that we will not see them. If we want then to have a walk with our children we will not be disturbed by the presence of the prostitutes (they'll be somewhere else hidden doing their job) or by some Roma people (no one cares if their situation is better or not, but as long they stay hidden...).
And if we want to visit Naples we will enjoy the clean streets and the fresh air of the city center (the garbage is still being produced, but it has been moved from the center to the suburbs, to Lombardy and to Germany, where it doesn't cause serious social alarm).

The problems are not solved, but everybody is living happy and gaily as long as they don't have to think at the problems.

The funny thing is that they are explaining us what are they going to do (hide problems), but we don't understand!
Or we like it...


Anonymous said...

What the eye sees not, the heart rues not

"ocio no vede, cuor no diol"?

podessimo far un libro de tradusion de modi de dir bisiachi in inglese

the eye want, the mouth can't


Ermes said...

Credo che il primo sia veramente inglese.

May the belly die, rather than food be left.

Eleonora said...

Il problema è sempre lo stesso. Questo governo non può risolvere i problemi di sicurezza che ci sono in Italia, perché per farlo dovrebbe mandare in galera 3/4 del parlamento. Loro sono il vero allarme sociale...


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