Monday, September 22, 2008

Het Land Van (Salah Edin)

Few months ago I posted the translation of a dutch rap song, Het Land Van, by Lange Frans and Baas B, two native dutch white HH-ers, grew up around Amsterdam.
Soon after another rapper, Salah Edin, mimed this song by writing a new one, with the same title, which shows another view on the dutch society, this time by a Moroccan-Dutch, son of immigrants but born in Holland.
This shows a quite more negative point of view. The lyrics in Dutch are here. This is the translation.

The Country of

The country of 1 million people with no job
The country where they do not adopt you because of your name
The country of preconceptions
The country where they force you to making problems
The country of so many laws
The country where they film you constantly for safety
The country that you'll save your ass just for convenience
The country of illegal immigrants, television scoops, politicians trying to get money out of your pockets
The country that's exposing you
The country with open borders
Full is full [C.D. anti-immigration slogan] for sure for poor people
The country of commerce
The country where people live in another dimension
The country where "tomorrow" is a trouble
The country where beautiful dreams have been spoiled
Look carefully around you because there are consequences
The country of the highest percentage of Muslim-haters
The country that has been built by our fathers
The country which considers us as danger and terror
Country of beautiful dreams, disappoints me
The country of capitalism, subcutaneous racism, materialism the country that runs on prostitution
The country of terrorism
The country of extremists
The country where you cannot spit your opinion for any reason
The country of prosperity
The country of Bakellende [literally "container of misery", it's a joke with Dutch Prime Minister's name Balkenende], the country of democracy which does not apply everywhere
The country of tolerance, meaninglessly violence, importance comes only when it's about rough money
The country of food banks, refugee camps
The country which has nothing to look for in our own Countries
The country where freedom is a mask on the face
The country of rights but what they decide is compulsory

The country of drug addicted nowadays nomads
The country that arose on the back of the slaves
The country divided in crazy districts, as they do in France to solve the problems
we call that fight, just like you do all the time
The country of colonization and now of liberalization
well, can you that compare?
The country that look for problems but then wants to avoid them
The country of schijnheilen [appearance features]
The country where everything turns around fucking oil price
The country of receivers
The country where the news has nothing to offer but lies
The country of hypocrites
Country of parasites
The country that loves to wins but gives up at losses
The country where the lion [Dutch symbol] never leave alone their shirts
The country where the woman is sold behind the window
The country where I am born and where I come from
The country that labelled me as kutmarokkaan [very bad pejorative for Moroccans]


Ermes said...

BTW while I was looking for the meaning of the joke "Bakellende-Balkenende" (thanks to Pieter that explained it to me) I run into this:

Berlusconi hides Balkelende embarrassment.
As leaders of the European Union met in Greece last week Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, saved his Dutch counterpart Jan Peter Balkenende the embarrassment of having his hard-on noticed by adjusting his suit. "I shook his hand." Berlusconi told Greece's ABC reporter Pavros Stabalos, "and couldn't help noticing a huge lump in his trousers... At first I thought it was a gun, you know "is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me? But then I realised that guns aren't allowed inside the conference building... so I discreetly adjusted his suit to hide the problem. It was a friendly gesture."
Jan Peter Balkenende, embarrassed that the moment had been captured on film explained. "It was just the emotion, walking around in a suit, feeling you know, like really important and powerful, and more than anything I was pleased to see Silvio. Anyway, you know what they say. Balkenende by name, Bakelende by nature."

Ermes said...

riassunto in italiano:
nel 2004 ad un meeting in Grecia tra premiers europei, Berlusconi stringe la mano a Balkenende e nota che l'olandese ce l'ha duro.
Segue elegante osservazione del nostro premier ("hai una pistola in tasca o sei contento di vedermi?") che infine gli aggiusta discretamente e amichevolmente il vestito per nascondere il problema.

Ermes said...

This is the picture.

Anonymous said...

ma se go capì ben el premier olandese se ga giustifica adducendo come motivo dell'erezion el fatto de incontrar berlusconi?


Ermes said...

Forse aspirava ad un posto come ministro delle pari opportunita`...

Aspirava... strana parola...

Anonymous said...

questo cern che se ga rotto invece?
e dopo i parla mal delle fiat.

... e no voio sentir tecnicismi tipo "in realtà sè soltanto un rilevator de ricalibrar ecc", el tg2 ga dit che el cern se ga rotto e mi ghe credo a lui.


Ermes said...

buh, diciamo se funzionava tutto al primo colpo sarebbe stato un miracolo.
Cmq qua dicono qualcosa.

Anonymous said...

invece, tornando on topic:

het Land van sè parente de In Italia de fabri fibra?

ma anche in olandese i sostantivi ga la maiuscola?


Ermes said...

apprezzo molto il tuo ritornare al topic proposto dal blog.
Avevo l'impressione che tu proponessi temi diversi ogni volta, imponendo un tuo blog nel blog (metablog?)

cmq no, i nomi non vanno in maiuscolo ma Land si, come Country o Stato (o Chiesa)

Fabri Fil? Non so, la mia rap-cultura si ferma con Dee-mo, ma prometto di ascoltar la canzone
(e invece..)

Anonymous said...

basta co sto rap...


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