Saturday, January 27, 2007

New features

So, here we are with the new poll. Please, when you vote, leave also a message, it will be appreciated.
I followed the suggestion of a new advertisement for my blog, so here there is the "Tell a friend" button, so you can suggest your friends to visit my blog.
And, (thanks to Giovanni) for who has stress problem, here you can also help yourself punching as much as you want mr. Berlusconi! So, have fun!


Unknown said...

why Epicuro was selling joints? Perhaps Dante and Virgilio were a "coppia di fatto" in the limbo and this may be a problem.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to add my BerlusPunchball :-P

Anonymous said...

Eh che chicca!!!!

Ermes said...

Epicurus used to carry some joints from the Atomic Physics Department (HAPD) and sell them to the pure people of heaven coming down to the Limbo on Sundays.
He used to smuggle them using Charon's boat.

What do you think the coin underneath the tongue of the corpses need for?

Eleonora said...

I thought the coins were two, and were put on the eyes...

Unknown said...

I thought that coins need for pay the ferry-boat. However, If the coins were two, one for pay Charon and one for enjoy during week end.

Ermes said...

Of course we can keep discussing on which will be the best part of the body where hide money into during smuggling, but...

as I (pretend to) know the Greeks used to put a coin under the tongue, while other folks (such as Jews) used to put them on the eyes in order to avoid them to open

Unknown said...

If we are talking about the funeral traditions of ancient people seriously, so, yes I agree with Ermes. (I swear completely with his humanistic knowledge).

Anonymous said...

Ancient greeks use tu put coins in their mouth just because they didn't have any sort of advanced market.
In fact they used to pay things with normal things as fruits for example.
So when you say they put coins under their tongue, in reality they were just eating.

This was one of the reason for being cheat so much from civilized western people when they met.

They though that small balls and mirrors and blinking things where something unbelievable rare.

I wish all of you have studied history in Malignani as me.. There will be much less ignorance in the world..

Eleonora said...

you know, actually greeks were the western civilized society, and they did have coins... you are maybe mixing them uo with americans, which also nowadays are stupified by blinking objects and these kind of stuff...

Anonymous said...

oh, i usually go shopping in COIN , yes...


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