Monday, February 05, 2007

The Empire State 2.1

(aka weekly review on the physics we're onto; coming soon on PPT presentation)
Here I am again, after the Potential Most Boring Week End in the History of Mankind.
At the moment I'm watching the XLI Super Bowl (Indianapolis Colt: 19 - Chicago Bears: 14 , six minutes to the end of third quarter) and yesterday I had my first Campbell's soup; so I can say my work here is finished, I'm quite satisfied.
Actually the condensed soup needed the addition of milk I didn't have so it turned to be a sort of watered-down condensed stuff smelling like fish but tasting like potatoes. Not so bad.
Especially because I cooled it down out of the window so that it regain a bit of its consistence (am I the only one in the world who likes the cool soups?).
I know: I'm ready to live under a bridge.

Speaking of bridges I have to note down the most stupid bridge of the known (by me) world: the Kosciuszko Bridge. It connects The Queens to Brooklyn (Interstate 278 or Brooklyn-Queens Expressway) and it's a ill-proportioned enormous bridge over a very small naked canal; it's really impressive also because while you're travelling on it you don't realize it's over some water.
However it offers the possibility of the complete view of Manhattan (it's quite far from that) and I think it's the best place for take a picture of the whole borough, even if it is not possible to walk on it (it's a bridge planned only for cars, as everything here after all) and you can't stop the car over there.
So here it comes its uselessness.



Unknown said...

How it's The correct pronunciation of this bridge? Although many broadcast announcers pronounce the name of the bridge as "kahs-kee-AHS-koh", the actual Polish pronunciation approximates "kohsh-CHOOSH-koh".

Ermes said...

of course it's Kosciuszko!
how can you think to pronounce it as "kahs-kee-ahs-koh"???
it's the same for the name La Guardia (the "italian" NY mayor and then one of the NY airports) that is pronounced "la guo-ordia" spending 10 suffering minutes on the "uoo"

Eleonora said...

Maybe is Caciucco! Mhmm....caciucco....

Gianni said...

Surely caciucco is very veery better than clam-soup!

Ermes said...

I think so too!

Speaking of the pool, what do you mean with Italians? The people from Italy or the group (of blind fans) so called "Italians" from the "Corriere della Sera"?

I thought you meant the folk, otherwise I should revise my vote.

Eleonora said...

I meant Italians, so the people with Italian excuses...
Anyway, it is Poll, not pool, pool is where you swim into...

Ermes said...

ah, that's why I'm the only one wearing swimsuit!


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