Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New Blog design!!

What's new in http://ellyon17.blogspot.com :
- New green design
- New language: from this moment on, only English is allowed
- New links!
- New hit counter, poll section & the big news: a Guest map! Put a flag on your city!
- Feeds reader in the bottom of the page (Repubblica & Hardware Upgrade)

Any comment will be welcome!!!


Eleonora said...

By the way...
I would appreciate if when someone vote to the pull will also leave a comment...

Anonymous said...

Dear Elly, maybe you need some adv campaing for your new blog..you've already sent 1mln mail about it but probably direct mailing is not a usefull instrument for you...
If you need, I can help you!!

PS. I've left my vote to the pool..super manager!!

Anonymous said...

I forget to sign


Eleonora said...

Yes, any help for more advertisement is always accepted...so go on!!

Eleonora said...

Sign on the GuestMap as well!!
Anyway, it seems that in the first minutes of his life this new blog has already a good partecipation...cool, let's go on!

Anonymous said...

I voted " a nice cottage with 7 dogs and 6 cats" it's the same?

Anonymous said...

Well done Eleonora, great new Blog! Now try to figure out what I've voted in the poll. Greetings from Trieste. Solonn

Starnì said...

the book is on the table

Ermes said...

I voted to be a manager dog.

Eleonora said...

I wouldn't say I'm surprised, but still... most of my friends seem to view themselves in fron a olographic 3d porno movie....

Ermes said...

it's just for the curiosity to watch in a holographic machine. Just for the science, the subject doesn't matter, does it?

of course the first holographic stuff will be a porno movie, but for science it can be done.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll suggest a new poll: Who shuold be the first porn actress/actor to film an holographic movie?

Regarding the hardware I'm half way now, so hold still a couple of more years.


Anonymous said...

Hi there, it's good you switched to english. If you want I can advertise your blog on my blog (which, by the way is not read by anyone :D)

stracini, the guy from utrecht

x said...

Great blog!!
Take a look for some hot awesome porno in my new hot blog: dovetespararmi.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Hello Elly

your blog is a pain in the ass, creativity is zero net. i hope this is not driven by the physics you're into or by the way they teach it to you.. frankly, buy yourself a freesbie and put a bluetooth webcam on it, or go ringing bells at streetdoors and upload the video

Anonymous said...


and instead: i propose a poll for trilingual blog (english, bellissimo italiano, bisiac)


Eleonora said...

Btw... they don't teach me physics anymore, now I teach it to others! Next poll will be on this blog, so I will accept other suggestion (not these empty criticism)!
Why nobody uses the Guest Map? I found it nice!

Anonymous said...

Regarding the map:I'm actually pursued by 17 dirrent countries for building an holographic computer with stolen hardware... I'll never give my location to anyone (except they'll ask me gently....)



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