Monday, June 23, 2008

Hairy moments for bald youngsters

Here we are.
Back in the low (and cold) Holland after this disastrous football week-end.

I was hoping to watch another Holland-Italy in front of bowl of bitterballen and at the end I find myself here waiting for Russia-Spain...
So my plan to see what would have been going on here with the Oranje winning the Championship is gone.
I will not see crazy Dutch jumping into the canals, deep-frying orange scarfs, kissing each other... and maybe even step down from the bike!

All of this is gone forever... like teardrops (of sweat) in the rain...

But never mind!
I'll be traveling on Sunday to Japan so no final anyway.
Moreover the Dutch decided (according to a poll made over a sample of 1 drunk Dutch) to support Russia now. And I'll go back supporting Denmark again.

Also the government decided to rise some of the 80km/hour speed limits around Amsterdam and Utrecht and if it's meant for cars (and not for bikes) it's cool.
Does this have something to do with the results of the Championship?


Anonymous said...

figo el blog me gà dà error codice bX-hmo53h...

comunque (cmq): me raccomando cartoline (a vermean..)

Ermes said...

(segue italiano)

cmq stanotte te go sogna` che te abitavi a sels e te stavi costruindo delle montagne russe col meccano incollando in giro delle tue foto per "personalizzarle".

La Gaia iera un po' preoccupada de doverle provar...


(precede bisiaco)

cmq stanotte ho sognato che eravamo io e te in un salotto inglese dell'ottocento. Stavamo sorseggiando acqua di selz e discutevamo Della Teoria dei Colori e su La Gaia Scienza.

Anonymous said...

figada! ottime idee.

comunque stemo ancora aspettando la baletta rimbalzina...


Unknown said...

Non riesci ad immaginarti gli olandesi in festa se avessero vinto, ma pare che a basilea siano accorsi in tanti (Tutti con maglia regolamentare arancione, birra più o meno gelata e rutto libero. Un marea festosa, uniforme,infinita.)
dall'articolo qui sotto


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