Thursday, May 10, 2007

smoke on the water

I've already had this bad impression, but yesterday I had the proof: the water is not my natural element.
When I was in the US I already used to be the slowest of the pool (and the poll), after puckered old men, pregnant women, drowning kids; but yesterday it was terrible!
Even the old women in the jacuzzi were faster than me (and they were lying still!).
The lowest complaint I received has been: "it looks like you're swimming on a treadmill".

I'm sick of the water.

Let's cheers with beer!


Anonymous said...

magari el tuo elemento non sè "acqua" ma "sudor".

el mio sè "put"


Eleonora said...

And if instead of finding excuses you just like ... learn how to swim???

Nice pic

Ermes said...


i guess mz is right about my natural element...

btw why god gave us the boats if he wanted us to swim?


Eleonora said...

Actually god didn't gave us the boats.. god gave me the 20% of fat so I can float easily....

can sboldro said...

forse se te ieri più gentile con gesù el te insegnava a caminar sull'acqua

(iero sovrapensiero e stavo quasi per risponder in inglese....)


figo "google" me identifica come "can"



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