I have noticed that my description of our trip in New York has not aroused any comment or any interest, and indeed it seems that there is not many people that connect and read this blog... so I was wandering if we should spend our time writing on it, or if nobody cares. So, please, if you're interested, if you think we should continue, write it on the comments, or, say if you don't like it and why, so in case we can modify it or we can close it. Let me know....
(It would be nice that when you vote you also put a comment - You can do it in Italian for this time)
in the meantime, in a small village under the see...
I had this score at the "religion test" http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=10907:
You scored as atheism.
You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul. Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.
atheism 79%
Satanism 71%
Buddhism 58%
Paganism 50%
Judaism 42%
agnosticism 42%
Islam 33%
Christianity 4%
Hinduism 0%
My results:
You scored as atheism. You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul. Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.
atheism 100%
Satanism 83%
Judaism 63%
agnosticism 58%
Buddhism 54%
Paganism 54%
Islam 50%
Hinduism 21%
Christianity 17%
I noted that Eleonora however scored 17% of chistianity, instead Ermes only 4%? WHy? And what is this 50 of paganism? Obviously Ermes is justified (for the name)
eleonora has all the religions high!!
ok, she's atheist first but she's also a lot of the other ones!
I cannot explain that...
oh comments on the poll....
(it: oh commenti sul sondaggio....
ma tipo un ananas?
dal canto mio posso dir che el blog se figo, ma da quando se in inglese la mia (e della mia donna) mancanza de attenzion (specie sul lavoro) non me permette de legger tutto, e sopratutto scriver in inglese me blocca un po (falqui?)...
quindi propongo (o appoggio(e tutti: dove?)) una mozion per el ritorno all'italiano, o al limite l'esperanto o el quenya.
el test se figo, manca el jainismo ma co varò più tempo lo farò anche mi.
you should continue to write on the blog, because one day in the future, when you'll read these notes, you'll remind about this period...
it will be like watching old photos of your childhood, i think.
(mai inglisc is perfect...)
You scored as Christianity.
Your views are most similar to those of Christianity. Do more research on Christianity and possibly consider being baptized and accepting Jesus, if you aren't already Christian. Christianity is the second of the Abrahamic faiths; it follows Judaism and is followed by Islam. It differs in its belief of Jesus, as not a prophet nor historical figure, but as God in human form. The Holy Trinity is the concept that God takes three forms: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost (sometimes called Holy Spirit). Jesus taught the idea of instead of seeking revenge, one should love his or her neighbors and enemies. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross to save humankind and forgive people's sins.
Christianity 71%
agnosticism 63%
Paganism 54%
Hinduism 54%
Buddhism 42%
Judaism 33%
atheism 25%
Satanism 25%
Islam 17%
caccià dal gruppo dei piccoli comunisti!
vedemo se rivo a convincer la gaia a farlo...
You scored as Paganism.
Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion.
Paganism 79%
agnosticism 75%
Buddhism 71%
atheism 54%
Judaism 50%
Hinduism 42%
Islam 38%
Satanism 38%
Christianity 33%
You scored as agnosticism.
You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof). Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.
agnosticism 79%
Islam 75%
Buddhism 67%
Satanism 63%
Judaism 58%
Christianity 54%
atheism 50%
Paganism 38%
Hinduism 21%
Chissa' chissa'....
I remember doing this test before and getting Islam at first place with something as 85%. The situation changed very little it seems to me.. Satanism getting stronger in me scares me a little...
Speaking about the blog, I read it very frequently, but being shy as I am (ooohhh.. cute.. :-P ), i rarely leave comments...
If I were in your shoes (can I say it this way? boh) I wouldn't think so much about the comments. You're doing a great job.. I'm gonna have to invite you in Istria just to see the trip commented in this blog...
mi digo che anche in talian il blog xè tropo dificile: femo in triestin e valà e po' bon.
Well, I'm glad that most of you like the blog. I understand that most of you don't have time to write on it and so on, but in my mind I wanted to use this blog to keep contact with all my friends that are at this moment far from me, that is why I would like you to write and to be active... Anyway, let's see how the poll will go, to understand if it is better to have it in English or italian.... (or maybe both, who knows...)
First I would like to underline as I'm the only one had done the test that has 0% on one of the "religions". Then I am also the lowest Christian in the blog so far...
anyway: mz is definitely out of the "piccoli comunisti jazz band" that means 3 civapcici less for him at the "small easter(n) party"
well your 0% is on hinduism, wich is one of the coolest religions. I'll balance less small civapcicies with more vin-birra.
actually, since we're going to FORGE civapcici, you can have the huge ones. or the fat ones.
or the beer ones
If you really want to speak about percentage, I would like you to notice that I am the only one 100%, nd 100% atheist... So, I deserve more cevapcici, more birra and more uova di pasqua!!! And, I deserve also to be rapresented in the Italian government, so I want to be able to vote a party 100% atheist... Maybe there is? mhmmm... let me think... mhmmm.... nope
You scored as agnosticism.
You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof). Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.
agnosticism 71%
atheism 67%
Buddhism 63%
Satanism 63%
Paganism 50%
Judaism 46%
Islam 42%
Christianity 29%
Hinduism 0%
I would say, not bad: I score agnosticism as first and atheism as second!
Unfortunately I won't have neither cevapcici nor beer for that...but since I'll be in florence for easter some good chianti will do as well!! ;)
About the blog, don't close it!
I take a look almost every day.
Since it seems to me that it's in fact more devoted (come e' giusto!) to keep in touch with your old friends down in trieste I don't usually leave comments. But it definitely doesn't mean I don't like it. :)
Well, Giulia, for your percentage of Atheism and Satanism, you can feel free to write any time you want, be my guest!! And, by the way... I have noticed from the poll that most of the people like the blog in English BUT, only Italians have wrote something... so, there is something I don't completely understand.......
confermo che coi civapcici alle volte la gente pol esploder.
thanks to mz for this picturesque image.
("oh my gosh! oh my gosh! what's happened here?? and what's all this blood around mz????" - "Be quite: it's ajvar...")
e invece: poll (?) per decider el posto de pasquetta?
mi voto la scelta più opportunista.
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